The Citizens Coalition for a Safe Community is one of the four parties suing Los Angeles County for greater environmental research on PXP's drilling. They are the most stringent lawsuit because they are asking for a site specific study - one which could cost Plains Exploration and Production Company around a million dollars.

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The coalition's attorney estimates that the lawsuit will cost about $50,000 from start to finish. The cost is monumental for a group of residents who are not seeking damages, but just an thorough environmental study of where they live.

"All we are trying to do is get information out to the community and let them make up their own mind," Gary Gless said at a meeting in March.

The task is large, but the importance of this study is invaluable to the residents who are concerned about their health and their property.

"I'm game to push as hard as I can with all my ability to do this," Reginald Smith said at his first meeting with the Coalition.

"The task you have given us today is monumental."